Wednesday, December 26, 2012


They say hindsight is perfect.  I guess that's why a mirror can keep you safe while driving.  Like the image in the mirror, hindsight is a colorful and bright.  But, it is slightly distorted.  The overall image is sharp and clear, but some parts are missing.  The road ahead is dull, static, and monotone; behind us it is bright, dynamic and in color. Maybe hindsight is not so perfect... or maybe it is.

Friday, December 14, 2012

As one

The water falls-fast and fierce. 
It then quickly calms 
inviting the fisherman in and calling him to be nurtured by the blue.

The water cuts a swath of renewal through the rugged terrain forcing us to be aware of the whole scene, not just its parts.  We must follow the image as one landscape flows into the other.  Everything is necessary, each part needs the other